Présentation agrément PARTIE 147



Réglementation aéronautique :

Ces métiers et les formations qui y conduisent sont réglementés par la Commission Européenne aidée par l’Agence Européenne de Sécurité Aérienne (EASA) dont le relais en France est la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC).

Intérêts de cet agrément :

Spécificités de notre agrément :

le (OSAC) :

PART 147 training organisation

The vocational high school Alexandre Denis prepares more than 200 students in the aircraft maintenance field concerning the CAP, Bac Pro and Mention Complémentaire diplomas and the adult education.

These jobs and trainings are regulated by the European Commission helped by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) whose relay in France is the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC).

The rule (UE 1321/2014) stipulates, among others, that in order to be allowed to release to service all or part of an aircraft and to act as support staff, an aircraft mechanic must be holder of an aircraft maintenance license.This license proves the specific training and experience in certified environment by the EASA and it’s recognized in each one of its member states. For the purpose of providing training and examinations such as specified in the Part 66 of the rule, our school responds to requirements since 2006 to be approved Part 147 training organisation.

So the school has a training quality system overseen by a quality manager.

Thus thanks to this approval, at the end of the training and following some requirements, our students may have a reduction of professional experience period and later may aspire to getting an aircraft maintenance license.

That’s why we give a great importance to follow our students, in training course or in traineeship (training period in industry).


Notre lycée est surveillé par l’Organisme pour la Sécurité de l’Aviation Civile (OSAC) :
